We are state licensed and are proud to be a part of the following organizations
Pet Emergency Education strives to provide the highest quality animal CPR, first aid, and emergency response training to veterinary and animal professionals, pet owners, emergency responders, and anyone else who genuinely cares for animals. Their internationally recognized certification programs offer detailed, hands-on training providing participants with a well-rounded education. Creature Comforts Animal Inn is proud to be Canine and Feline CPR and First Aid certified.
BBB maintains Business Reviews on more than 4.5 million businesses and rates them based on complaint histories, responsiveness to customers, licensing, legal and government action, and other factors. Only Accredited Businesses that meet the BBB Code of Business Practices are permitted to display the BBB logo in their marketing and place of business.
Creature Comforts Animal Inn is proud to be a Town of North Stonington business, demonstrating our commitment to the economic enhancement and prosperity of the North Stonington area, which is a community that values its rich rural heritage, authentic New England character, and rare quality of life.
The Ocean Community Chamber of Commerce is the largest southern Rhode Island chamber of commerce, representing a major portion of the Westerly-Pawcatuck area's business and professional community. The Chamber's primary objectives include Chamber creating a strong business voice and improving the local economy while maintaining the area's high quality of livability.