Explore Bestlife by Yourgi Annual Plans

Find Ways To Save + Give Your Pet Their Best Life

Wellbeing Premium

  • A dental cleaning or spay/neuter
  • Core vaccines + Microchip
  • 6 days of boarding or daycare

Plus Pet Perks - 15% off on all flea + tick prevention and prescription medicine and more

Vet Premium

  • Dental Cleaning
  • Core vaccines
  • Boarding or Daycare

Plus Pet Perks - 15% off on all flea + tick prevention and prescription medicine

Wellbeing Premium $99/month
Vet Premium $69/month
A dental cleaning or spay/neuter
Nutrition counseling (delivered with office visits)
Nutrition food
test row 1 1
Included days of Boarding or Daycare
1 Groom 2 2 2
Pet Perks
Savings on microchip 20% discount
Savings on flea, tick, and heartworm prescriptions (in clinic) 15% discount 15% discount 10% discount
Saving on additional grooms 10% discount
Dollar-by-dollar savings
Cost with Bestlife
Wellbeing Premium
Vet Premium
A dental cleaning or spay/neuter 1 $290 $0
Nutrition counseling (delivered with office visits) 1 $35 $0
Nutrition food 1 $30 $0
test row 2 $30 $0
Included days of Boarding or Daycare 6 $300 $0
1 Groom 1 $70 $0
Wellbeing Premium Vet Premium Vet Core
Cost per month $99 $69 $49
Total cost per year $1188 $828 $588
Value of benefits included $655 $655 $335
Savings $-533 $-173 $-253